Creature Clothes

Creature Clothes British handmade pet accessories was founded in 1999 by designer Cosima Pole. Their ethos is beautiful design and quality UK manufacture.

Most of the production is done in the Creature Clothes workshop in Suffolk, and they also work in a leather workshop in Hackney. From fine quality leather to strong trigger hooks and solid brass artisan studs, they believe in producing gorgeous and resilient quality products. Trigger hooks for leads are rigorously tested - tied to the back of cars, left outside in the rain, hit with hammers - everything to give them the beating that a dog will!

The brass studs are hand made by an artisan in Menorca. As they are solid brass they won’t fracture or break. Each rivet is individually welded by hand.

Creature Clothes work with the Working Well Trust (WWT) who are based in Whitechapel, East London. WWT is a social enterprise that provides support and community to mental health patients referred from the NHS, whilst teaching them how to sew. They also distribute fabric and leather off-cuts to local primary schools for children to use in art projects.

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