Our Sustainable Development Goals

The Global Sustainability Goals

What are the sustainable development goals?

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were created and adopted by all member states of the United Nations in 2015 as 17 ways to tackle inequalities and climate degradation by 2030.

What have they got to do with 69b?

The goals are headed up by the United Nations member states, but in order to achieve them in the next decade it is up to individuals and businesses to align themselves with the goals.

Which development goals do we align with?

As a business are working hard to progress in each of these goals. However we are further ahead on some goals than others. Here is a breakdown of what 69b we have achieved so far:

Affordable and clean energy 

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
We do our best to minimise the amount of energy we use by turning all lights and electrical appliances off at night. All the lightbulbs in the shop are LED lightbulbs, reducing the electricity we need in our shop. Our energy supplier is ecotricity who source electricity from 100% renewable sources.

Decent work and economic growth

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
We only stock brands that provide us with evidence that they adhere to strict rules and provisions when it comes to the treatment of the employees within their supply chain. We also work alongside brands to ensure everyone in the supply chain is paid a living wage.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
When selecting brands to stock at 69b Boutique we look for those that use innovative technologies within production, new technologies in fabric. This includes the use of fabrics such as Tencel cellulose fibre, and fabrics that are made from circular economy technologies such as PET raincoats made from recycled bottles.

Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
We believe the future of London should be green, and this is why we take part in a number of community projects including litter picks (with Plastic Free Hackney) and donating all our profits from Black Friday to local charities. We are also a proud member of the East End Traders Guild which brings small independent businesses in the East End to work together as a team.  All our employees are local to Hackney and we walk or cycle to work.

Responsible consumption and production Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
69b Boutique’s ethos is to buy less but buy better. We stock a range of brands that we believe are better for both people and planet. By providing a range of sustainably sourced products we are encouraging customers to buy better, thus ensuring sustainable consumption.
Peace, justice and strong institutions

Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
At 69b we believe transparency is key to creating a sustainable future. We lobby the brands we stock to guarantee that all employees within the supply chain are paid a fair living wage, are treated with dignity and respect and most importantly have a right to unionise to ensure their wellbeing.