Help Us Do Black Friday Better

It’s that time of year again, when our mailboxes are overloaded with discount offers and invitations to buy buy buy! At 69b Boutique we will never take part in Black Friday discounting, because we believe it encourages over-consumption, increases emissions from transportation and generates waste.

Instead of pushy promotions, we will donate all our profits from Black Friday to Cyber Monday (25th-28th November) to charity.  This year we are supporting Hackney Food Bank, helping people in our community who are in crisis. 

Why Hackney Food Bank?

Food bank usage in the UK is rising at an unprecedented rate, with people struggling to feed their families and heat their homes. The number of food banks in the UK now outnumbers McDonald’s outlets by nearly two to one.

The Trussell Trust, the UK’s most extensive network of food banks, has seen demand increase more than 80% in the last year. The Trust found that 38% of people on Universal Credit had to skip meals for an entire day because they couldn’t afford to buy enough food.

Demand for our local Hackney Foodbank has more than doubled since before the pandemic, and donations are half what they were this time last year. The cost of living crisis is leaving many unable to afford even the basics like food and heating, and the food bank urgently needs more donations if they’re to meet demand.

To make a donation directly, go to

Find your local foodbank here

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