69b Boutique Has a New Owner

My name is Emma Bonar and I am the new owner of 69b Boutique.
I'm a Hackney resident, along with my dog Ozzy. After many years of working in fashion, I am still a huge fan of how good clothes can make you feel great, but I've become disillusioned with how much of what we buy is produced without consideration for its ecological or societal impact.
I've been a 69b customer for years, and when I saw one day in the window that it was for sale I was at first concerned that this wonderful shop would disappear. And then I wondered... what if I bought it? Actually do something to make a positive difference? So I've taken the plunge into running my own business and am now the immensely proud owner of 69b Boutique. Together with the fantastic team, Emily, Sarah, Harriet, Mara and Gwen, we will ensure that 69b continues with its mission to provide great clothes and accessories from a wide range of sustainable, ethical brands.
Right now we're gearing up for the new season which launches soon, so we're currently at 50% off in store. And we'll be selling online when the new season launches. Watch this space for more updates.
I bought 69b because I love everything it stands for. Please let me know if you come across brands you think we should work with, or have any feedback about the store. Email me at Let's build the future of 69b together.
Em (& Ozzy) x
69b Boutique. Helping the planet one frock at a time

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